Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Eve's Bayou

This film was both increddibly shocking and disturbing at the same time. It is almost wierd to think of this film as being directed by a woman because of the touchy subjects it addresses, especially in dealing with abuse towards young woman, and in our case the character's daughter. It was strange to see the story unfold and see how in a way the gaze in point, is switched from being towards the young girl, to how she looked at her father. It made me uncomfortable as the viewer to see the youngest sister discover the truth about what really happened the night her older sister was slapped by her father. Could it be that this film being directed by a woman on some level does make the viewer feel more at ease than if it were directed by a male? The dircetor, being a woman made a huge impact on the film possibly because the subject matter was so intense and touchy giving her an advantage over being male in making this type of film.

1 comment:

trefrog said...

I felt that the night that Cisely got slapped was disturbing as well. But I also found it quite thought provoking. That scene shown both ways makes you realize things are not always as people say they are. It also makes you realize that people in general are not always who they say they are.